“Do I have a date for my surgery?”
Short answer: Likely not, but we have you on our list, if you have signed consent for surgery.
Long answer:
At the time of this edit, Humber River Hospital is currently working at 100% surgical capacity. We unfortunately have slightly longer waitlists than prior to COVID, due to the numerous surgical shutdowns caused by previous waves of the pandemic. Because of the uncertainty of future waves of the pandemic shutting down surgery in the future, our operating room schedule is only being released 3 months at a time. So, if your wait is longer than 3 months, we don’t yet have a specific date for you.
Please wait for our Administrator to call you for your surgical date. As of now, the wait for surgery from the time you signed consent is approximately 6-8 months.
Please note that once you get called for your surgical date:
Dr. Cayen is pleased to announce that he is currently performing Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Replacements. Humber has acquired the ZimmerBiomet ROSA robot, the first ROSA robot in Canada. This advanced piece of technology uses x-rays to create a 3-dimensional map of a patient’s leg, and uses that data to help the surgeon better “balance” a knee replacement. Traditionally, surgeons use a 2-dimensional x-ray and “feel” the balance in the knee during the procedure. The ROSA robot however uses data collected before and during surgery to help the surgeon dial-in a balanced knee. At the time of writing, all patients receiving Total Knee Replacements with Dr. Cayen will receive the benefit of this technology. No need to ask!
Currently at Humber River Hospital, Drs. Rodriguez, Heller and Cayen are performing knee replacements using the ROSA robot.
Dr. Cayen would like to thank ZimmerBiomet, Dr. Rodriguez and the Humber Administration for championing the effort to acquire this exceptional piece of advanced technology.
Building from the success of our Same Day Hip Replacement program, Humber River Hospital has launched a Same-Day KNEE Replacement Program (SKiP). Now, patients do not need to stay overnight in hospital after a knee replacement. Given the current environment, this is welcome news for patients who need knee replacement surgery, but want to keep their hospital stay as short as possible.
What Makes Same Day Knee Replacement Possible at Humber River Hospital?
Our entire surgical team and the patient is involved to accelerate the initial phases of recovery after knee replacement:
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is intended to help current and prospective patients of Dr. Cayen understand joint disease as well as treatment options available. It is also meant to provide background information to prospective patients such that their visit with their doctor is most helpful. This website is not meant to provide specific medical advice, treat or diagnose any medical condition. It is not meant to take the place of a visit with your doctor or Dr. Cayen.
Dr. Barry Cayen is an orthopedic surgeon at Humber River Hospital, specializing in adult hip and knee replacements, sports surgery of the knee, and trauma. He performs Total Hip Replacement Surgery using the Direct Anterior approach with a Hana table.